CIS Division

Secure information and communications technology capabilities are more important than ever before. At a time of major technological development, society and its armed forces have become more vulnerable, because we depend on CIS in both our day-to-day activities and field operations.

CIS Division-banner

The Communication and Information Systems (CIS) Division helps ensure that the Norwegian Armed Forces have well-functioning, relevant and up-to-date CIS solutions, and has overall responsibility for CIS in Norway’s armed forces.

The CIS Division  is responsible for furnishing and managing CIS solutions that support the Norwegian Armed Forces’ need for secure CIS services, both nationally and internationally.
Solutions are used at the strategic, operational and tactical level, everywhere from headquarters, vehicles and fighting platforms to individual service personnel.

The division equips Norway’s armed forces with CIS solutions that work well together, and does so in collaboration with Norwegian and international manufacturers and service providers.

The division is headquartered at Kolsås in Bærum, with departments at Kjeller, just outside Lillestrøm, and at Haakonsvern in Bergen.